
How to Set Org-remark to Use SVG Icons

Highlights with an icon indicating annotations

I have released version 1.2.0 of Org-remark. It’s an Emacs package that lets you highlight and annotate text files, websites, EPUB books and Info documentation with using Org mode.

In this version, highlights can display an icon to visually indicate that annotations exist for them. This was implemented in response to a feature request I received via YouTube comments and recorded in issue #64.

The icon by default is a string of ASCII characters “(*)” so that it can be used for terminals. You can easily customize Org-remark to use an SVG image as shown in the image above.

There are mainly two ways:

  1. Use the new built-in icons library available as of Emacs version 29.1

  2. Create a custom function and use a third-party library such as svg-lib by Nicolas Rougier

I will quickly show you the first option to use the new built-in library, which I believe is the easier.

Define an icon

  1. Get or create an SVG icon

    In my example, I downloaded a “pen” icon as an .svg file from Boxicons (licensed under The MIT License).

  2. Put the downloaded SVG file somewhere in your local

    I put it at ~/.config/emacs/.cache/svg/bx-pen.svg.

  3. Use define-icon macro to create an icon with the SVG file

    For example, I used the code below. Make sure to change my example to your own file name. You can also play with the :height property as you see fit. You can refer to the relevant Info nodes for more configuration detail by evaluating (info "(elisp)icons) and (info "(emacs)icons") in Emacs (version 29.1 onward).

(define-icon annotation nil
  '((image "/home/nobiot/.config/emacs/.cache/svg/bx-pen.svg"
           :height (0.8 . em)))
  "Notes svg icon for Org-remark"
  :version 29.1)

Customize Org-remark to use the icon

Now the icon has been defined, you can set it to customizing variable org-remark-icon-notes, like so:

;; I use `setopt` that is made available as of 29.1. `setq` works too.
;; Use whichever you prefer.
(setopt org-remark-icon-notes (icon-string 'annotation))

If you have a buffer with highlights already open, you would need to revert-buffer to reload the highlights. You should see the icon you have defined instead of the default “(*)” string, like you see in the screen capture at the top of this article.